Study UK Alumni Awards 2020-21

British Council

The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on Viet Nam higher education has both highlighted and accelerated the digital transformation agenda at universities. National level policy has also shaped and driven forward the digital transformation agenda. Positive and rapid progress has been made to date. Some universities were actively engaged in this process. However, a range of challenges remain both nationally and in particular for those institutions that have only recently embarked on digital transformation.

The report presents a snapshot of the current state, and potential, of digital transformation in Viet Nam higher education and current collaboration with UK universities to support the digital transformation agenda.

This report makes a series of recommendations and also suggests a series of recommendations for collaboration between UK and Viet Nam universities.

Speaking at the launch event of the report on 8 September 2022, Assoc Prof Dr Nguyen Thu Thuy, Director General, Higher Education Department, Ministry of Education and Training hoped that future partnerships between the UK and Viet Nam universities as a result of this report would help Vietnamese universities to identify their existing gaps and develop a comprehensive roadmap to digital transformation, to build an organisational culture and to be able to develop a strategy for digital transformation for their universities and to enhance capacity to digitalise successfully. ‘This will contribute to the implementation and achievement of the Government and Ministry's strategy in digital transformation, bringing values to learners, and ensuring innovation in higher education,’ she said. 

Listen to the recording of the launch event.