
British Council

The British Council in Viet Nam works in partnership with the Viet Nam Higher Education Department, Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) to support its implementation of the revised Higher Education Law 2018 and its ambition to raise the quality of the higher education (HE) sector toward regional and international standards in teaching, learning, research, innovation and knowledge transfer in the upcoming three years 2021 to 2024.

The British Council in Viet Nam works in partnership with the Viet Nam Higher Education Department, Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) to support its implementation of the revised Higher Education Law 2018 and its ambition to raise the quality of the higher education (HE) sector toward regional and international standards in teaching, learning, research, innovation and knowledge transfer in the upcoming three years 2021 to 2024.

The Going Global Partnerships  supports and strengthens quality tertiary system in Viet Nam and the internationalisation of higher education strategies in both UK and Viet Nam through:

  • Exchanging experience, sharing insights and creating connection between UK and Viet Nam HE sectors and policy development
  • Enabling and creating sustainable, diverse and inclusive HE partnerships and networks between UK, Viet Nam and other East Asian countries in teaching, research, innovation and knowledge transfer
  • Strengthening the performance of Viet Nam's HE sector
  • Promoting mobility and exchange for students and academics