
British Council

Tuesday 28 July 2020 -
17:30 to 18:30

Do you have big plans for a career in business? 

There is no doubt that the Covid-19 pandemic has made a significant impact on global economies and changed our ways of working. How can you better equip yourselves in the post-Covid19 world? 

The British Council is delighted to invite prospective parents and students for the first session of Study UK East Asia Webinar Connect on Tuesday 28 July. Academic speakers from the University of Birmingham, University of Exeter and Goldsmiths, University of London will introduce the UK’s Business undergraduate courses such as Business and Management, Business Analysis, Marketing, and Economics and how the qualification leads you to a global career. There will also be a Q&A session after the presentations for the guest speakers to address open questions from the audience. 

Onsite offers may be given to suitable candidates who wish to study in the UK this September. Register with us today.

Session I: Future Readiness: Developing your Career with a UK Business Degree 

Date:  Tuesday  28 July 2020 

Time:  17.30 –18.30 (Vietnam local time) 

Platform: on Microsoft Teams. Webinar link will be sent to you a day before the event 

Presented language: English 

Registration link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/N5H7DFM


17.30  Beginning of webinar
17.33–17.35 Welcome by the British Council
17.35–17.50 Studying Business at the University of Birmingham 
17.50–18.05 Why study Business Analytics? by University of Exeter 
18.05–18.20  The job market in a post-Covid-19 world for Management Studies students, by Goldsmiths University of London 
18.20–18.30 Q&A session (*)

* Note: to be conducted in English. 


Topic 1: Studying Business at the University of Birmingham 

Speaker: Dr Scott Taylor  - Reader in Leadership and Organisation Studies , Department of Management, Birmingham Business School 

When you study accounting, finance or management at the University of Birmingham, you’ll be thinking about a lot of different business-related topics from a diverse group of staff and fellow students. Now more than ever, skills in innovation, adaptability and entrepreneurship are key for you during and after your time at university, to make the most of the opportunities for career and personal development. Business School admissions director Scott will talk through what it’s like to study at Birmingham, how you might develop as a leader, what the post-COVID workplace might look like. 

Topic 2: Why study Business Analytics? By University of Exeter 

Speaker: Dr Rebecca Mitchell  - Programme Director, BSc & MSc Business Analytics, University of Exeter Business School 

Business analytics is a powerful tool in today’s competitive marketplace. Data has become pervasive across many industries, and as a result, there is an increasing demand for graduates to offer technical and data orientated skills to resolve business problems and create business value.  In this talk, Dr Becky Mitchell from the Exeter Business School will discuss the benefits of studying a degree in Business Analytics. Discussions will centre on the broad range of analytical and business skills students develop throughout the programme, opportunities to undertake a professional placement year, and career prospects after undergraduate study 

Topic 3: The Job Market in a Post Covid-19 World for Management Studies Students, by Goldsmiths, University of London  

Speaker: Dr Tomás Rotta  - Lecturer in EconomicsInstitute of Management Studies, Goldsmiths, University of London 

Dr Tomas Rotta will give a presentation on about Management, Marketing, and Economics programmes at the Institute of Management Studies (IMS) at Goldsmiths, University of London. How it will make you better equipped and skilled for the job market in a post-Covid-19 world.