Creativity and the City: Chances and Challenges for Vietnam
Creativity and the City: Chances and Challenges for Vietnam
Wednesday 01 October 2014 -
09:00 to 18:00
Goethe-Institut Hanoi, 56-58 Nguyen Thai Hoc, Hanoi

The promotion of creativity is a key asset for economic upgrading and for providing new jobs all over the world. Vietnam is no exception to this. In this context, creative spaces offer huge chances: Their galleries, artist studios, craft shops, design studios as well as bars, restaurants, and cafés may form a vibrant and attractive neighbourhood. Such creative spaces may also serve as a visual spatial symbol of city marketing, which contribute to build an image of a modern and cosmopolitan metropolis against the backdrop of increasing global city competition. 

The core objective of this conference is to gain a better understanding of the potential creative spaces have to contribute to the further urban development of Vietnam and what is needed to promote this. Target groups are policy makers from a national and local level, companies and associations of creative professionals, scientists, representatives from non-governmental organizations, cultural institutions, architectural and urban planning offices as well as the general public. 

Role models of such creative hubs will be presented from other countries in Europe and Southeast Asia.  British Council has invited Mark Lawler, Managing Director from Baltic Creative, a creative hub in Liverpool and Kathleen Azail, Manager of C2o library & Collabtive from Surabaya, Indonesia, to participate in the event. 

In addition, a poster exhibition with about 30 posters depicting creative spaces in East and Southeast Asia and Europe, as well as the screening of two documentaries about creative spaces in Indonesia and Zone 9 in Hanoi, will exemplify the potential of creativity in the city. The opening of the exhibition and the screening will take place in the evening of 30 September 2014. 

British Council is the co-host of this conference, together with Goethe Institute Hanoi, the Ministry for Culture, Sports and Tourism of Vietnam and UNESCO.

Free admission

For registration, please contact Ms. Do Thi Thuy via email or via phone at +84 4 37342251 – Ext. 9 by 28 September 2014.