
British Council

Vietnam Language Assessment Symposium (VLAS) is an event providing insights into English language assessment issues and trends in Vietnam. The event follows the interest generated from the New Directions in English Language Assessment Conference held in Hanoi in 2016. VLAS 2017 is intended as an accessible space for educators to exchange diverse perspectives on language assessment in this dynamic context, and will be an annual event.

Hosted by the British Council Vietnam, the first VLAS will be held in Ho Chi Minh City on 23 May 2017. The theme of this symposium is classroom-based assessment and the assessment of learning.
SEAMEO Regional Training Center (SEAMEO RETRAC) in Ho Chi Minh City is the British Council’s organising partner for VLAS 2017.

Target audience
VLAS 2017 is intended as a space in which educational professionals, teachers and assessment practitioners can interact, exchange information, and share best practice. It will be of interest to all education officials and teachers from all education sectors—university, vocational, secondary and primary, as well as to assessment practitioners and specialists.

SEAMEO RETRAC, 35 Le Thanh Ton, District 1
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 

How to register
To attend VLAS 2017, please visit our Registration page to complete the online registration process. We look forward to meeting you at VLAS 2017. 

For any questions, please contact: vlas@britishcouncil.org.vn

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