To help test takers achieve their best possible scores in IELTS, British Council proudly presents to you our complete IELTS preparation materials - exclusively at British Council IELTS. Moreover, test takers registering IELTS with us will also receive our special offers.
Test takers who register to take IELTS on paper with British Council from 1 April to 30 June 2021 for any test sessions from April to August 2021.
- Road to IELTS Full version valued at VND1,200,000
- The complete British Council IELTS preparation materials
Note: After completing your IELTS test registration, please register your interest to receive gifts from the British Council. Please provide the same information with your IELTS test registration.
- gift redemption form for test takers registering IELTS directly with the British Council
- gift redemption form for test takers registering IELTS with the British Council’s official registration partners
The British Council will get back to you within three (3) working days for further verification and sending you gifts based on your information.