Join our contest to be a myClass Ambassador. myClass Ambassador creates an opportunity for students to share their myClass learning experience. By joining in this competition, students can have a chance to get a VND200,000 voucher and opportunity to become myClass Ambassador with a special trip to either Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City.
1. Participants:
Students who used to or have studied myClass at the British Council in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.
2. Time:
Eligible entry must be sent to the British Council during the period from 1/12/2019 to 29/2/2020.
3. How to participate:
Step 1: Contestants must post at least three pieces of content (photo and/or video with descriptions describing their experience in English/ Vietnamese or both languages) with hashtags #myClassBritishCouncil #English #myClassAmbassador on their personal Facebook page. All posts must me set as ''Public''.
Step 2: Students send email to: with:
Subject: [City] – myClass Ambassador – [Full name in English] – [Student number]). For instance: Hanoi – myClass Ambassador – Tran Ngoc Minh – 123xxxx
Attached file: Participants must attach Consent Form filled with details in the email. An entry without Consent Form is considered to be ineligible. The Consent Form is available at the end of this page.
Email content:
I would like to participate in myClass Ambassador with infomation as follows:
Please check the Consent Form in the attached file |
4. Selection criteria:
The assessment is based on:
- Engagements (50%): the number of likes (1 point/1 like), comments (2 points/ 1 comment) and shares (3 points/1 share)
- Assessment by the British Council (50%): content and creativity
5. Prize categories:
Prize | Quantity | Value per unit |
Grand prize Round-trip ticket to experience myClass in Hanoi (for students in Ho Chi Minh City) or in Ho Chi Minh City (for students in Hanoi) Additionally, students will get two credits free of charge to study myClass in Hanoi/ Ho Chi Minh City. |
4 (2 winners in Hanoi and 2 winners in Ho Chi Minh City) | Approximate VND18,000,000 |
Prizes for each entry submitted | 50 first entries submitted (25 contestants in Hanoi and 25 contestants in Ho Chi Minh City) | VND200,000 |
Terms and conditions:
- The winners of myClass Ambassador must attend at least two myClass lessons and one myClub lesson in their trip and share their experience in personal Facebook page at least one post per day during the trip with hashtags #myClassBritishCouncil #English #myClassAmbassador.
- Being a myClass ambassador, students agree to the British Council photographing and/or recording them and give permission to the British Council to use any material in the photographs and/or recordings where the copyright or any other rights are owned by students, confirm that the British Council shall be entitled to use, free of charge, the photographs and/or recordings made of participants (without having to identify participants by name), in their original format or edited, adapted or altered, for the purposes of the British Council’s internal and external promotional and publicity materials and for any programmes, publications, websites, electronic publications and social media services worldwide produced by or on behalf of the British Council; and agree that the British Council shall be entitled to pass the photographs and/or recordings of participants, and their names, to external press and media agencies, publishers and broadcasters, and to partners and other third parties with which the British Council works, anywhere in the world, for the purposes set out in this Consent Form.
- Any special cases out of the terms and conditions will be considered by the British Council management team and the British Council’s decision is final.