Among the four skills of English, speaking, along with writing, is understandably a key productive communication skill that can be quite challenging. It is often the case that learners of English find writing easier, as they have more time to consider the rules of language as they compose an email or a letter.  Speaking, however, is often more challenging for learners for a variety of reasons, which can affect their confidence in spoken communication. The British Council has designed myClass lessons with this challenge in mind.  Whether it’s for study, work or life, myClass provides lessons tailored to help you with your spoken communication in a more effective way.

Apart from the guidance from teachers and opportunity for communication in your myClass lessons, you are advised to study and practise speaking English on your own with others outside the classroom to improve your confidence and improve in your fluency. Here we have provided a list of activities, materials, websites, and videos for a wide range of levels that you can use solely for this purpose. Click on the links to begin your independent study on how to improve in your speaking skills today!

A1/A2: Elementary and Pre-Intermediate

Are you learning how to express yourself and ask questions on familiar topics in a simple way? Have a look at some British Council’s resources below for your studies:

This video will help you with different ways to practice speaking outside the classroom.

This series of one-minute English videos made by the British Council Vietnam will help you with some ideas on how to upgrade your language when talking about different topics. Each video will take you only 60 seconds to watch it till the end with English subtitles. 

This simple board game will give you a bit of free speaking practice. You can also find a downloadable template here, print it off and start playing with your friends.  

Are you afraid of not knowing what to say before joining the class? Visit this website for useful vocabulary and structures about various topics to help you become more confident.

You can find here a number of conversation questions about different topics for your practice.

B1: Intermediate

At this stage you’re probably looking at improving your fluency, pronunciation and expanding your vocabulary as well. You’d probably be considering getting yourself ready for the IELTS exam. 

On this page, you will find activities, games and worksheets related to functional language. Functional language is language that we use to perform various functions, such as making requests, giving advice, complaining, agreeing, asking permission, etc. Learning functional language gives you the skills to communicate effectively in various everyday situations. 

In this website you'll find a variety of lessons and resources on the way we say words in English, many with audio for you to listen to.

B2: Upper-Intermediate

At this level you’re more equipped and probably a lot more serious about taking the IELTS exam. These IELTS speaking resources would be very useful in your preparation.

On this site you'll find free lessons on speaking, sample tests, techniques to learn the best vocabulary, models essays and graphs, and many excellent tips and strategies. 

In this website you’ll learn IELTS topic vocabulary the easy way, presented as you might use the words and expressions in an IELTS Speaking exam. 

External links