Meet the speakers of New Directions 2016.

Professor Paul Seedhouse
Newcastle University, United Kingdom. Abstract: The IELTS Speaking Test: Interactional Design and Practice in a Global Context.
Meet the speakers of New Directions 2016.
Newcastle University, United Kingdom. Abstract: The IELTS Speaking Test: Interactional Design and Practice in a Global Context.
Educational Quality Training and Support Centre, Association of Vietnam’s Universities and Colleges, Vietnam. Abstract: 25 years of language assessment in Vietnam: Looking back and looking forward.
Pearson, United Kingdom. Abstract: Vocabulary targets and language proficiency. A framework for learning, teaching, and assessing vocabulary.
Cambridge English Language Assessment, United Kingdom. Abstract: Standardised Tests in Support of Language Improvement in School Systems: Insights from Elsewhere in Education.
The Language Training and Testing Centre, Taiwan. Abstract: A Locally Appropriate English Language Test – Locality, Globality & Validity.
British Council, United Kingdom
National Education Examinations Authority, China. Abstract: The Development of China’s Standards of English and its potential application in English tests