Gong culture in the Central Highlands of Viet Nam ©

Ben Reich 

Digital Heritage Collection is a digital platform that promote the learning, sharing and appreciation of the value of community cultural heritage, or heritage assets of different communities across Viet Nam. The purpose of this collection is: 

  • To ensure that valuable living cultural heritage assets of diverse communities, particularly those at risk of disappearing, are authentically recorded and creatively presented in digital forms which can be shared amongst these communities and beyond 
  • To connect researchers, experts in the field of heritage and sustainable development, practitioners as well as community members, those behind these heritage assets.  

The initiative was introduced by the British Council in 2021, then developed and supported by TUVA Communications. In July 2023, the Digital Heritage Collection was launched with 17 heritage assets nominated by local community members and groups in Gia Lai, Ninh Thuận, Kon Tum and Hồ Chí Minh City. Between 2023 and 2024, the collection is expected to be an inclusive platform in heritage sector for diverse groups of community members across Viet Nam. 

To develop the collection, the British Council invites individuals, groups and collectives from heritage communities in Viet Nam to propose heritage assets for inclusion of the Digital Heritage Collection. We offer a sum of VND 5 million, VND 10 million, or VND 15 million dong for each selected submission.

If you are interested in putting a submission, please use this Submission Form and return to us via vnarts@britishcouncil.org.vn by the below deadlines. The following FAQ provides essential information for your proposal preparation. 

Information sessions will be held, aiming to provide further details about the programme. Please register here.


What is Digital Heritage Collection? 
Digital Heritage Collection is a digital platform initiated by the British Council, and delivered by TUVA Communications. The platform enables community members and heritage practitioners to create and share any form of content about their cultural heritage, such as images, videos, text and audio. It is also considered as an open forum connecting heritage bearers with professionals and practitioners in the field. Find out more https://disanketnoi.vn/.

 Who can apply? 
Creative professionals, cultural heritage professionals, development professionals, heritage practitioners, community members in Viet Nam.  
Young people, women and ethnic minority groups are encouraged to propose and submit the heritage assets for the inclusion of the Digital Heritage Collection.

 Which digital assets can be included in the collection?  

  • Photographs or hand drawings/sketches of heritage objects, such as traditional handmade decorative objects, objects of worship, musical instruments, costumes or craft products of unique design and cultural significance to the ethnic groups and/or communities. Please provide a short description and narrative/explanation of the object.  
  • Audio and video recordings of heritage practices. It could be a sound recording or a video clip of the practices, which include performances, singing, dancing, chanting, poetry reading, storytelling etc. These audio/video recordings should also come with a narrative to help viewers understand the context and local culture settings. 

Please kindly note that we are not looking for submission of physical objects. We are looking for your support with capturing the heritage objects or in digital form. This can be done by you whichever works best and satisfies the technical requirements of the collection. Your object belongs to you and stays with you.

About the grant 
We are offering different sum of VND 5,000,000 – VND 10,000,000 – VND 15,000,000 for each selected submission. This amount does not mean that we ‘buy’ the object or the digital capture of the object or practice you propose off you. This amount is compensation for the time and effort you would put into to ensure that the digital capture of the object/practice satisfies the technical requirements of the collection if it is selected.

How will the submission be evaluated? 
The selection panel consists of professionals and practitioners from the British Council and local communities with extensive knowledge about cultural heritage and heritage collection, including building digital heritage collection.

How to apply  
Please follow the steps below to apply: 
Step 1: Applicants to prepare and send out the Submission form (please see the table below for more information about three rounds for application) 
Step 2: British Council to work with selection panel to select the best applications 
Step 3: Results to be announced.  
Step 4: Applicants to prepare content, upload the heritage assets on the digital platform and receive the grant from British Council.  

There will be three rounds for application.

  Information Session Submission Deadline Announcement of Result
Round 1 05.01.2024 13.01.2024 22.01.2024
Round 2 05.02.2024 19.02.2024 26.02.2024
Round 3 01.03.2024 09.03.2024 15.03.2024

Information sessions will be held, aiming to provide further details about the programme. Please register here. Inquiries should be submitted to vnarts@britishcouncil.org.vn before 01 March 2024.

If my submission is not selected in Round 1, can I propose the same digital assets again in the next rounds? 
The same heritage asset can be submitted in the next rounds. However, please include more details to persuade experts in the selection panel. If the heritage asset you propose is not selected, it does not mean that it is not a heritage asset of value. It means that within the available timeframe and resource for this collection, we unfortunately cannot not include your asset for the moment.

 If my submission is not selected in all three rounds, can I share it on the digital platform of the collection? 
The Digital Heritage Collection is a free online platform, in which individuals, groups and collectives from heritage communities in Viet Nam can upload and share any form of content about their cultural heritage, such as images, videos, text and audio. The small grant would encourage widespread promotion of valuable living cultural heritage assets to the public.

Can I send more than one submission? 
There is no limit to the number of submissions that one individual or organisation can propose. However, please note that we have a group of experts with extensive knowledge of culture heritage and heritage collection, as well as considerable experience in building heritage collection, including digital ones. They will consider your submission to ensure the representativeness and suitability of the digital assets.

Is there any technical requirements for each submission? 
The collections enable community members and heritage practitioners to create and share any form of content about their cultural heritage, such as images, videos, text and audio. In other words, the platform can be built as to be wiki-like, featuring user-owned and user-created content. There is no special requirements except your submission should be in digital format. Further guidance will be provided in the orientation once your submission is selected.