Hoi thao chinh sach giao duc ASEAN


This event is the first in a series of four East Asia policy seminars which will be held in Vietnam, Myanmar, Indonesia and the Thailand from August 2014 to December 2015.  Each seminar has a specific and focused agenda, which frames debates and sharing on the eight core deep learning skills that school students of the 21st century require to be successful global citizens.

Themes for the Vietnam Seminar

  • National curriculum – raising educational standards in schools and helping students acquire skills for success in the modern world.
  • 21st Century or Deep Learning skills – getting your students ready for future 
  • Designing digital transformation for holistic education reform to help students develop 21st century skills  
  • Inspiring student’s creativity and imagination through innovative teaching and learning in schools. 


The seminar aims to: 

  • Update policy makers and educational practitioners on innovative teaching and learning practices to enhance student development of deep learning skills 
  • Facilitate networking and sharing of policy developments and good practices in enhancing school teaching and learning 
  • Facilitate dialogue among key players around designing digital transformation for education reform. 

Expected Outcomes or Outputs:

  • participants gain better understanding of skills needed for future social economic changes - the 21st century skills and good practices to develop these skills in school education. What are the main factors to drive changes and how to make it happen
  • networks/links established among participants for further  sharing of initiatives, lessons and good practices between countries in the region and the UK 
  • Microsoft’ educational initiatives and  contribution to developing the sector and prepare young people for life-long learning and career in 21st century are appreciated by participants 
  • an overall plan for digital transformation to support education reform is agreed among relevant policy makers, ministries. 


120 participants include: 

  • Policy makers from relevant departments of Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) including Department of Secondary Education, Teachers Department, Department of Primary Education, Department of ICT… 
  • Policy makers and educational managers from provincial Department of Education and Training across Vietnam.
  • Representative of schools across Vietnam 
  • International stakeholders including donor organisations, INGOs, representatives of international education projects. 
  • Representatives from ASEAN countries 

Targeted countries to join the policy dialogues includes The UK, Vietnam, Myanmar, Indonesia, the Philippines and other ASEAN countries. 

Speakers and workshop facilitators will be education experts, educational managers, and practitioners from the region, the UK and America.