Researcher links - Communication systems

Day One- 17 February 2014

Day Two- 18 February 2014- Group 1

                   Session 2: Network & Security

                   Chair: Prof. Alan Marshall, Liverpool University, UK
                              Associate Prof.  Dr Nguyen Huu Thanh, Hanoi University of Science & Technology, Vietnam

0840 Refreshment
0900 Tutorial Talk 1: Public Access Wireless Networks: Vulnerabilities, Detection and Mitigation Strategies
Prof. Alan Marshall, Liverpool University, UK
0940 A Contention-Based Deterministic MAC Protocol for Wireless Networks 
Dr Bosheng Zhou, Queen’s University Belfast, UK
1000 QoS management for Advanced Multimedia Applications on Dynamically Run-Time Reconfigurable Platforms 
Assoc. Prof. Dr  Pham Ngoc Nam, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, VN
1020 Coffee Break
1100 Towards Quality-of-Experience Aware networks 
Dr Truong Thu Huong, Hanoi University of Science & Technology, VN
1120 The Advances and Development of Telecommunications in the Signal Chain Design and ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems)
Dr Trinh Quang Khai, University of Transport and Communications, VN
1140 Impact of Transceiver Hardware Impairments on Performance of Wireless Networks 
Dr Tran Trung Duy, Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology, VN
1200 Resource Allocation for Hybrid ARQ and QoS Constraint 
Dr Nguyen Xuan Huan, Middlesex University, London, UK
1220 Lunch

                   Session 3: Signal Processing
                   Chair: Dr Des McLernon, Leeds University, UK
                              Associate Prof. Dr. Pham Van Tuan, Danang University of Science and Technology, VN 

1400 Tutorial Talk 2: Energy Efficient Trajectory Planners and Wireless Security for Robotic Applications 
Dr Des McLernon, Leeds University, UK
1440 Indoor Localization and Applications 
Dr Dao Trung Kien, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, VN
1500 Towards a Combination of Visual Attention and Super resolution 
Dr.Ho Phuoc Tien, University of Science and Technology, University of Danang, VN
1520 An overview of Image Processing Techniques and their Applications 
Dr. Paul Murray, University of Strathclyde, UK
1540 Coffee Break
1600 Interactive Video and Beyond 
Dr. Hemantha Kodikara Arachchi, University of Surrey, UK
1620 Optics and Photonic Researches in Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology 
Dr Pham Quang Thai, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology,VN
1640 Spectrum Awareness in Cognitive Radio Systems Based on Spectrum Sensing 
Dr Miguel López-Benítez, Liverpool University, UK
1700 End of Day 2

 Day Two- 18 February 2014- Group 2

                    Session 4: Communications – 1
                    Chair: Dr Syed Ali Raza Zaidi, Leeds University, UK
                               Dr Vo Nguyen Quoc Bao, Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology, Vietnam

0900 Tutorial Talk 3: Introduction to Stochastic Geometry for Modelling Wireless Communication Networks 
Dr Syed Ali Raza Zaidi, Leeds University, UK
0940 Beamforming Techniques for Inter-Cell Interference Management in Multi-Cell Networks 
Dr Le Tuan Anh, Leeds University, UK

Advanced Technologies in the Physical Layer: An Overview
Dr Vo Nguyen Quoc Bao, Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology, VN

1020 Coffee Break
1100 Wireless Communications: Developments from Single-User/Single-Carrier to Multiuser/Multicarrier
Dr Cuong Huynh, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, VN
1120 Interference Modeling and Management in Next Generation Wireless Networks 
Dr Syed Ali Raza Zaidi, Leeds University, UK
1140 Recent Progress in Real-Time Adaptive Optical OFDM Transceivers for Realising Smart Future Optical Communication Networks 
Dr Roger P. Giddings, Bangor University, Wales, UK
1200 Free-space Optical Communication Systems: Performance Evaluation and Improvement Methods 
Dr. Dang The Ngoc, Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology 
1220 Lunch

                    Session 5: Communications - 2
                    Chair: Dr David Harle, Strathclyde University, UK Associate 
                               Prof Dr Tran Xuan Nam, Le Quy Don Technical University, VN

1400 Tutorial Talk 4: Investigating a Kernel Methods Approach to Reducing Handover Occurrences within LTE 
Dr David Harle, Strathclyde University, UK
1440 Molecular Multihop Communication with Quorum Sensing 
Dr Duong Q. Trung, Queen’s University Belfast, UK
1500 Massive MIMO Communication in Future Cellular Networks 
Dr Truong Trung Kien, Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology, VN
1520 Noncoherent MIMO Relaying in Wireless Communication Networks 
Dr Nguyen Xuan Ha, Tan Tao University, VN
1540 Coffee Break
1600 Spatial Modulation: from Single to Multiple Antenna Transmission 
Associate Professor Tran Xuan Nam, Le Quy Don Technical University, VN
1620 Waveguide Theory and its Application to a Planar Antenna 
Dr Tran Thi Huong, University of Science and Technology, University of Danang, VN
1640 Leakage Power Saving Techniques for Deep Sub-Millimetre Digital Integrated Circuits 
Dr Vo Minh Huan, University of Technical Education, VN
1700 End of Day 2

  Day Three- 19 February 2014

                    Session 6: Electronics, Sensors and Integrated Circuits
                    Chair: Dr Christos Tachtatzis, Strathclyde University, UK
                               Dr Cuong Huynh, Ho Chi Minh University of Technology, VN

0900 Tutorial Talk 5: Research Activities in VLSI Systems Design at Vietnam National University Hanoi 
Associate Prof Tran Xuan Tu, Vietnam National University Hanoi University of Engineering and Technology, VN
0940 Design and Implementation of Wireless Sensor System 
Dr Christos Tachtatzis, Strathclyde University, UK
1000 Bitwidth Aware Reconfigurable Embedded Classifier 
Dr Huynh Viet Thang, University of Science & Technology, University of Danang, VN
1020 Coffee Break
1100 Hardware Implementation of Arithmetic Circuits and Cipher Cores for Wireless Communication Systems 
Dr Hoang Van Phuc, Le Quy Don Technical University, VN
1120 Leakage Power Saving Techniques for Deep Sub-Micrometer Digital Integrated Circuits 
Dr. Vo Minh Huan, University of Technical Education, VN
1140 Close of Workshop Research Paper Presentations
1220 Lunch

                    Session 7: How to Succeed in Research
                    Chair: Dr Des McLernon, Leeds University, UK
                               Associate Prof Dr Pham Van Tuan, Danang University of Science and Technology, VN

1400 How to Write Research Proposals and Build/Supervise a Research Team 
Prof. Alan Marshall, Liverpool University, UK
1440 Q&A/Discussion
1450 How to be a Successful Early Career Researcher – publishing, grants, conference organisation, reviewer, editorships/editorial board, TPC’s, invited talks, international collaboration, IEEE/TC’s, etc. 
Dr Duong Q. Trung, Queen’s University Belfast, UK and Dr. Syed Ali Raza Zaidi, Leeds University, UK
1530 Q&A/Discussion
1540 Coffee Break
1600 The Art and Science of Technical Writing – How to Get Your Papers Published. 
Dr Des McLernon, Leeds University, UK 
Associate Professor Tran Xuan Nam, Le Quy Don Technical University, VN
1630 The Research Opportunities and Challenges – a Vietnam Perspective 
Speaker from a Vietnamese university to be announced later.
1830 Gala Dinner on cruise along the Sai Gon river