
British Council


The British Council in Viet Nam is now inviting applications for innovative and collaborative approaches to explore a more inclusive and accessible approach to the provision of English language teaching and learning in Viet Nam post Covid-19, which, as we all know, has had a massively disruptive effect on education systems globally, including here in Viet Nam. This highlights the need for innovative and sustainable digital solutions that can promote access to quality English education for learners, while building teacher capacity. These opportunities are in line with the collaboration plan for 2021-22, with a vision for the next four years signed by Ministry of Education and Training, the National Foreign Languages Project (NFLP) and the British Council Viet Nam. UK and Vietnamese universities, ELT and EdTech organisations are now invited to bid for funds to carry out Teacher Activity Groups (TAGs) pilots. The funding is up to £100,000.

Introduction and background to the project

The British Council is the UK’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. We build connections, understanding and trust between people in the UK and other countries through arts and culture, education and the English language.  We work with more than 100 countries across the world in the fields of arts and culture, education and the English language.

Vietnam context

With over 18,000,000 English language learners, approximately 72,000 English language teachers and one of the most rapidly growing economies in South East Asia, Vietnam’s potential for educational partnership and digital innovation is significant.

The National Foreign Languages Project was established in 2008 with a remit to ‘renovate foreign language teaching and learning in the national education system’ and an overall goal to ‘create a foundation for universalizing foreign languages in general education by 2025’. Prime Ministerial decision 2080 (December 2017) also references the need to ‘promote the application of advanced technologies in foreign languages teaching and learning, using e-learning systems which are suitable and accessible for all people so that they are supported to learn foreign languages wherever, whenever, with every device’.

Background to English in Education Systems (EES)

The British Council’s work in English for Education Systems (EES) aims for transformational change in English language policy and practice. We believe that better teaching and learning of English increases academic and career opportunities and enables people to participate actively in a global society. Our research and innovation with UK and overseas partners provide evidence of 'what works' in English language teaching and learning and contribute to the development of English language teaching and learning worldwide. We support language teaching and learning in a multilingual world, helping to ensure inclusive and equitable quality language education in line with UN Sustainable Development Goal 4.

As of 2021, our EES programmatic framework is thematically organised into three key impact areas: 

  • ELT in Education
  • English and Empowerment  
  • English Connects (digital) 

Underpinning these priorities is our approach harnessing UK expertise in teacher education, education technologies and inclusive pedagogies and research, insight, and innovation. We seek to document and share learning gained from practical experience. Our role in global English means that advancing thought and positioning the UK as leaders in English language education are at the heart of our mission.

Opportunities for Partnership and Collaboration

This Call for Proposal comes under EES Vietnam’s ELT in Education strand. It’s aims are to: 

  • establish a network of pilot TAGs focusing on teachers from one (or consortia of up to five) DOETs
  • develop content and implement TAG programmes across a 12-month period (semester 2, summer vacation and semester 1) 
  • monitor and evaluate the TAG projects and their impact on teachers’ CPD.

Further to the recent EES Call for Proposal (TAGs) from British Council Viet Nam, please note that the section on eligible costs has been updated, as follows: 

  • Eligible costs: The cost of staff time for full-time personnel working directly on the project, plus the costs of temporary personnel and other temporary staff recruited to work solely on the project.

A complete version of the revised document can be found in the attached file below. 
If you have any further questions, or need any further clarification regarding the above, please contact the British Council Viet Nam office at digitalinnovation@britishcouncil.org.vn


Activity Timeline
Call for proposal 13 September 2021
Clarifications 15 October 2021
Application deadline 25 October 2021
Proposal assessment Week of 25 October 2021
Notification of proposal’s outcome Week of 1 November 2021
Agreement signing Mid-End November 2021
Project implementation December 2021 – March 2023
Phase 1 (Dec 2021-Jan 2022): Preparation
Phase 2 (Feb 2022-Jan 2023): Implementation and monitoring
Phase 3 (Feb-Mar 2023): Evaluation, reporting and dissemination

Please complete and submit the accompanying Microsoft Word version of the application form. Please submit your application using the form and email it to digitalinnovation@britishcouncil.org.vn .

Application documents should include:

  • Application form
  • Budget form

Applications should be submitted by Monday 25 October 2021, 23:59 GMT.

Applications submitted after this date may not be considered by the reviewing panel.

If you have any questions about your application, please email digitalinnovation@britishcouncil.org.vn and allow at least three working days for a response. 

Applications can be submitted through the form, with a written budget. Applicants who may have additional accessibility needs and would prefer to submit their application in another format should get in touch in advance. We will endeavour to do everything we can to accommodate any needs. 

We look forward to receiving your application.

For more information, please see the below documents and watch the launch event here.