There are several ways to answer a task 2 question. While you can always answer a question literally and try to follow the prompts, the best way is to tell a story.
Why tell a story?
Well, you’ve already lived it. You already know what happened. You know who was there, what it felt like, what it looked like and how it changed you or made a difference. It should make your preparation easier. It should also take some of the pressure off you when thinking about what to say. Usually when we tell a story, we have no shortage of things to say. It will also sound more natural, which is one of the main keys to being successful with the speaking test.
For example, if your question asks you to describe a possession you have that is very important to you, you can start off by saying what the possession is and then begin the story of how the possession came into your life. At this point, just keep moving along with the story and before you know it the long turn will be over.
Finally, a story helps you use a range of tenses that will be sure to impress the examiner.