Aptis tests English skills relevant to your requirements. It enables an organisation / institution to assess all four English skills – reading, writing, listening and speaking together with the core mandatory component (grammar and vocabulary) or test just one skill, e.g. reading.
What is the Aptis reading test like?
The Aptis reading test takes 30 minutes and is divided into 4 tasks. The tasks become more difficult as the test progresses
- Sentence comprehension (In this part, you need to choose a word (choice of three) to complete the sentence. There are five sentences to complete. Each sentence in the text is free-standing which means that it is not necessary to understand all of the sentences to complete individual sentences. This part assesses your ability to read a sentence and to complete the sentence with an appropriate word.)
- Text cohesion (In this part, you will see seven sentences. They belong to a single story that has been jumbled up. There is only one way that the sentences go together to form the story and your task is to click on the sentences and drag them to the correct position in the story. This part assesses your knowledge of the cohesion of a text. You are looking for clues in each sentence that show how it links to other sentences.)
- Short text comprehension (In this part you will need to read a text (about 150 words). The task is to complete the text by selecting the appropriate words (from a list) to fill in the gaps. To complete all of the text you need to understand more than just a sentence. This part tests your ability to read and understand short texts.)
- Long text comprehension (This part consists of a long text (about 750 words) with a series of headings. The task is to match the headings to paragraphs in the text (there are seven to be done). There is always an extra heading that does not fit with any paragraph. This part is designed to test your ability to read and understand a long text. In addition, you need to be able to demonstrate an understanding of how the headings reflect the paragraphs in different ways (sometimes using similar words, sometimes similar ideas, or by sharing a topic).
Try the Aptis Reading demo test here.
What does the Aptis score mean?
You will receive results based on the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). They will indicate your CEFR (A1-C2) level for each skill tested. If you take all 4 skills you will receive an overall CEFR level and a scaled score (0-50) showing your level for each skill level tested.
If you like to use the Aptis reading test to evaluate candidates / teachers / students in your organisation / institutions, contact the Aptis team, who would guide you through the process.