Date: 19 September
Time: 4-5pm ICT (UTC+7)
Assessment is an ongoing process that involves planning, discussion, consensus building, reflection, measuring, analyzing, and improving based on the data and artifacts gathered about a learning objective (Martell & Calderon, 2005). It increases student interest and engagement in discussions and helps teachers guide their students. Assessment encompasses a range of activities including testing, performances, project ratings, and observations (Orlich, Harder, Callahan & Gibson, 2004).
Assessing young learners is a necessary component in learning and the classroom environment. To narrow potential gaps between educators and learners in their perceptions of assessment, learning, instruction, and expectations, we can explore language assessment literacy (LAL). It is important to consider students’ perspectives and other stakeholders to better evaluate decisions.
In recent years, the use of technology in assessing young learners has become more prominent. Some examples include game-based environments, digital storytelling, VR language learning, online quizzes, and others. The benefits include promoting motivation, increased curiosity, and better understanding of types of assessment. The challenges are connected to better engaging stakeholders and understanding how technology implementation can be used as effective tool in assessment.