Candoco Performance 2013
Performance of UK dance company Candoco in Vietnam in 2013  ©

British Council in Vietnam

The British Council is looking for a creative training provider or a higher education institution to work with the Cultural and Creative Hubs Vietnam Project Team to co-create and deliver a one-week training programme in inclusive arts in January 2019 for 20–25 participants who are owners and managers of the six key cultural and creative hubs (CCH) of the project. 

Location: Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Delivery time: January 2019


Cultural and Creative Hubs Vietnam is a three-year project funded by the European Union and implemented between 2018 and 2021 by the British Council, in partnership with the Vietnam National Institute of Culture and Arts Studies. This project proposes a series of activities focusing around a network of local organisations – the Cultural and Creative Hubs (CCH) – that actively engage with practitioners and the audiences in the field of arts, culture, and creativity. 

The project has been designed to encompass three interlinked key components. The first surrounds building and improving the skill sets of CCHs managers and owners, as well as their artists and creative practitioners – in particular, in terms of management, audience development, and other specialised creative and cultural skills. The second component aims to create opportunities – via policy dialogue and other platforms – for direct and open exchange towards relationship building between CCHs and government administration of the culture sector. The third component promotes the sharing, learning, and networking amongst hubs from different parts of Vietnam, as well as between Vietnamese hubs and their European counterparts.

More information about the project here


The objective of this training programme is to improve the capacities and enhance the capacity of CCH owners and managers in area of inclusive arts, both in terms of working with artists and creative practitioners and engaging with the audiences.  

Expected outcomes of the training programme are:

  • training participants will have improved skills and knowledge around inclusive practice in the arts and culture
  • training participants will be prepared to work in inclusive contexts, especially with groups of audiences they see as under-presented and/or vulnerable
  • training participants and their organisations will have increased engagement with under-represented and/or vulnerable groups in Vietnam
  • training participants will be able to cascade training materials to other CCH owners and managers in their network. 

Scope of work

  • co-creation (i.e. adaptation of existing training to the local context in consultation with the British Council team) of a maximum five-day training programme and all training materials for inclusive arts that responds to the needs of the Vietnamese CCHs
  • delivery of this training programme in Vietnam for a group of 20 – 25 participants who are hubs owners and managers
  • evaluation of the training programme, including recommendations for similar training in the future, in form of a short write-up report (not exceeding ten pages). 

Interested training providers are invited to submit your proposal including:

  • a training profile/portfolio, highlighting experience in developing and conducting training in inclusive arts and/or biography of trainer(s). Maximum five pages.
  • an outline of the proposed training programme (three to five days), which responds to the training needs of Vietnamese CCHs in inclusive arts (see Annex 1 for more information). Maximum five pages.
  • a cost estimate for a maximum ten days of training course development, training delivery and reporting, including travel time UK – Vietnam and not including travel related costs. Maximum one page.

Proposals will be assessed using the following criteria:

  • previous experience in developing and conducting bespoke inclusive arts training. Experience in the South East Asia context is appreciated. 
  • quality training format and content responding to local needs for inclusive arts training.
  • competitive costing. 

See Clause 14 Evaluation Criteria in the Request for Proposal for more details. 

Please send your proposal to before 15 November 2018. 

Successful candidate for award of contract will be notified by 3 December 2018.

See Annex 2 Agreement for the purchase of professional or consultancy services (short form) for more information.

All queries should be sent to marked CHV IA before 20 October 2018.