In October 2018, an online survey was carried out within the framework of the partnership project between University of Salford and its partner HEIs in Vietnam to asses the current state of university industry linkages at participating universities with a view to identify challenges in developing effective linkages and opportunities in the context of Industry 4.0. Within the scope of the survey, some key findings were: internships at business/industry, annual career workshop/fairs for students and flow of mobility between academic staff to business were the most prevalent university-industry forms of collaboration in southern universities of Vietnam. Low levels of collaboration in the areas of valorisation included commercialisation of research and development results, student entrepreneurship, degree apprenticeships, industry involvement in curriculum development and management. 

The survey findings were invaluable and will be used by participating HEIs to enhance university industry linkages to grasp opportunities in the context of Industry 4.0. These include, but not are limited to: 

  • university and industry should work together to create quality human resources
  • collaborative research creates high-tech products for commercialisation to create long-term development resources
  • online training and joint training programmes and scientific research should be developed
  • a joint project of IoT (internet of things) applications is easily connected, but the level of investment must be reasonable and project results should be practical.

Source: Project Interim Report 2018