
The workshop on Project 89 will be virtually co-organised by the British Council in Viet Nam, Department of International Trade – UK Embassy and UK–Viet Nam Higher Education Network on 3 December 2021.   

  • Date: 3 December 2021
  • Time: 16.30–18.00 (Vietnam time) or 09.30–11.00 (UK time)
  • Registration: by close of 2 December 2021
  • Workshop platform: Microsoft Teams
  • Language: English
  • Agenda: please see the attachment. 

Ministry of Education and Training in Vietnam has launched a Scholarship Programme named as Project 89 – a Decision approval the proposal for enhancing competencies of lecturers and administrators of HEIs meeting requirements for radical changes in education and training until 2030.

Main objectives of Project 89 are:

  • providing the doctoral training for about 10 per cent of HE lecturers, of which 7 per cent are trained full time abroad, 3 per cent receive domestic training programmes, and joint programmes with foreign universities achieving regional and world quality standards
  • attract at least 1,500 scientists and doctorate degree holders who are working abroad or domestically outside of higher education institutions to work at Vietnamese higher education institutions
  • expect 80 per cent of lecturers of culture, arts and physical education and sports schools to obtain master's degree or higher, receive full-time training programs provided by foreign educational institutions or domestic institutions meeting regional and world quality as well as structured reasonably 
  • by 2030, expecting 100 per cent of administrators and lecturers to be trained to improve their competencies with emphasis on: The competency in orienting training and educational programs towards modern training methods, scientific researches, foreign languages and information technology

Workshop aims 

  • Introducing Project 89 as an opportunity for UK–Viet Nam partnership in masters and PhD/joint PhD training programmes
  • Discussing (joint) PhD training under a partnership approach and key factors to success
  • Connecting and facilitating further discussion between UK and Vietnamese universities to form up partnerships supporting the implementation of Project 89.

Targeted audience

  • Rectors/Vice Rectors, Deans/Vice Deans, Heads/Deputy Heads of International Relations and Research of UK and Vietnamese universities.