When you encounter a lot of new vocabulary, you will soon find yourself spending a lot of time and effort to remember it. Whether you just heard the word on the news or saw it on a milk carton label, you may have written it down. But do you remember and apply the new words? Can you remember all the new words for a long time?

Expanding your vocabulary is an important factor in succeeding in English exams, and this step requires a lot of time and practice. To reduce the burden of the above step, you can refer to a more systematic method of learning new words.

One of them is to build a vocabulary notebook which we will guide you through below:


If you like the idea of ​​taking notes on paper, use a notebook to keep all your information in one place. You can use alphabetical or color-coded notebooks for easy organization, but remember that the key is to make it easy to find. For example, organize by date, time, or order from noun to verb.

2. vocabulary cards

Flashcards are more portable than notebooks, as they can be easily carried in your pocket. Each flashcard usually includes a new word and its definition. Every two days or so, rotate the deck and review new words while you’re on the go. It’s also easy to retain new vocabulary by simply writing it down on a card the size of your hand. Flashcards can be easily lost, so make sure you keep them in a place that’s easy to find.

Làm thế nào để nói tiếng Anh thật tự tin? - sách hướng dẫn miễn phí - Mọi thứ bạn cần để giúp con mình tự tin khi nói tiếng Anh
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